Alexandra Brown Artist Statement

“The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality. In a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one.” ~Bruce Lipton

‘Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain’ The wizard in The wizard of Oz

Alexandra Brown is a multidisciplinary badass on a mission from God with a penchant for theatrics, saunas and rocknroll. Her process is a contemplation and celebration of the ethereal, manifesting in playful experimentation and attempts to map the metaphysical with childlike reverence. Brown’s practice includes, but is not limited to drawing;- both in virtual reality and more traditionally in this perceived, actual reality, digital media, performance and immersive installation. Her current practice is an investigation into the nexus point between ancient eastern philosophy and contemporary quantum sciences, illustrating a fundamental interconnectedness of everything;- a reality that is constantly moving, flowing and changing.