Bethany Pearson

Nostalgia Series: Number 22 (House Tapestry), Flashbacks (22 Framed Pictures) and Audience Interactive Piece

Memory holds leverage over every fibre of our body. Every person is consumed by memories even if we are not acutely aware of their impact on our lives or how they assist in shaping our identity. One’s Childhood home is a storage vessel that possesses infinite memories from the past; delving into the contents of her family’s old photo albums Pearson exhumes moments forgotten in time, revealing intimate events and domestic activities that can be universally related to. These textile works embody family members and her own clothes, as well as strangers discarded fabrics from the local scrap shop, to create recycled patchwork pieces rich with personal history to express her sentimental feelings when reflecting on her family and home. Pearson encourages her audience to reminisce about their own childhood pasts and contribute to the collective wall of archival memories.