Beth Evans is a multidisciplinary, artist, illustrator and writer whose practice is informed by both lived experience and imagined realities. By transforming non- tangible ideas into “sculptural metaphors”, they give space and form to the otherwise invisible.

Via exploration of the office job, 9 - 5 ≠ ∞ is a critique of the way value is so often assigned to individuals based on their income and career. More than this, it is an exploration of the limitless hours we accidentally work as artists and the burnout this can lead to.

The overarching question in Evans’ head whilst making the work was “when it comes to making art, what counts as the work?”. It could be the research, the ideas, the final outcome or all of the failed experiments in between- or any combination of the above. Really, it’s an impossible thought exercise. It would be like asking “If the grass is green then is it more yellow or blue?

Title of Work: 9 - 5 ≠ ∞